My name is Dimitri, also currently known as nezutero or kenjitheman in the past. I’m a software engineer who loves tech, construct high-performance projects, delve into the intricacies of memory, and ultimately engineer remarkable software — and many other things.
I’d love for this website of mine to simply be, to exist as it is. No grand purpose, no pressure, just a place to gather my thoughts and share whatever feels right. I’ve aggregated my socials here, so you can follow me without the hassle of searching.
I enjoy meeting interesting people, appreciating nature, reading, and finding beauty in both the beautiful and the ugly. I love the feeling of discovering something new, whether it’s an idea, a piece of music, knowledge, or a quiet moment that lingers in the mind.
Sometimes I write, sometimes I build things, sometimes I just exist. That’s enough.
That’s all I wanted to say. This page has enough text now, I think. Peace, y’all.